Two recent additions to the Worthington Police Department took their respective oaths office during Monday’s Worthington City Council meeting. Destini Miller and Siddney Kounlabout both joined the WPD in 2022.
Miller grew up in South Dakota and graduated from Marion High School in 2019. After high school, she attended and graduated from Minnesota West in 2022 with a degree in law enforcement. Miller started with the WPD in September and is currently working full-time shifts for the department.
Kounlabout grew up in the Worthington area and graduated from Adrian High School in 2014. After high school, he attended and graduated from Minnesota West in 2020 with a law enforcement degree. He started with the WPD in September and is also currently working full-time shifts.
In another matter Monday, council members adopted a resolution executing a State of Minnesota grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Proceeds of the grant will go toward replacing the roof on the Worthington Municipal Airport Maintenance Hangar. A design contract from Short Elliot Hendrickson for design services for the roofing project had been previously awarded. The total amount for those services is $13,300 and the state grant will pay for 70% of this proposal, which equals $9,310. The local share will be $3,999.
In additional business, the council:
* Authorized advertisement for bids on a parking lot reconstruction project at the municipal liquor store.
The 2023 CIP budget for Worthington Municipal Liquor Store includes the project. During their July 25, 2022 meeting, council members approved a task order from the engineering firm of Bolton and Menk to do the design work for the parking lot project. The plans are now completed for a new concrete parking lot with improved traffic flow in and out.
Submitted bids for slated to be opened on Feb. 22 with bid recommendation on Feb. 27.
* Granted authorization to city staff to advertise for professional services to complete a new city-wide comprehensive plan. Staff has set a tentative start date of May of this year with completion in May 2024. The dates may change and are dependent on multiple factors.
* Approved professional services agreements for repair work for the Center for Active Living’s racquetball courts. Both courts experienced significant water damage to floors, walls and ceilings as a result of roof leakage last year. One court will also be converted into a meeting room, with the possibility of it being returned to use for racquetball in the future.
* A residential property tax abatement program application/request submitted by Galen and Sherry Benton for a condominium at 1209 South Shore Drive (located on Flower Lane).
* Position guidelines and the salary grade and authorized advertisement for a soon-to-be-open accounting clerk post.

Shown are Minnesota West law enforcement instructor MIke Cumiskey (from left), Siddney Kounlabout, Destini Miller and Worthington Police Department Chief Troy Appel.