Monday Aug 30 Twins @ Detroit Tigers 12:30pm Pre-game 1:10 first pitch on KWOA The Fan
Tuesday Aug. 31 WHS boys soccer vs. St. Peter, 7 p.m. on FM 104.3FM The Bridge
Tuesday August 31-TWINS Vs Chicago Cubs 6:30pm Pre-Game 7:10pm 1st Pitch on KWOA The Fan
Tuesday Aug 31 Gopher Football Weekly with PJ Fleck after TWINS on KWOA The Fan
Wednesday Sept 1 TWINS Vs Chicago Cubs 6:30pm Pre-Game 7:10pm 1st Pitch on KWOA The Fan
Thursday Sept 2 5:00 PM MINNESOTA GOPHER FOOTBALL vs. Ohio State on KWOA The Fan
Friday Sept 3 TWINS @ Tampa Bay Rays 5:30pm Pre-Game 6:10pm 1st Pitch on KWOA The Fan
Friday Sept 3 WHS Trojan FB VS Jordan 6:30 pre-game on FM 104.3 The Bridge
Saturday Sept 4 MN WEST BLUEJAY Football VS NDSCS 1pm pre-game 104.3FM The Bridge
Saturday Sept 4 TIWNS @ Tampa Bay Rays 2:30pm Pre-Game 3:05pm 1st Pitch on KWOA The Fan
Saturday Sept 4 NCAA Football LSU@UCLA 7:15 on KWOA The Fan
Sunday Sept 5 11:00am Inside Twins MN TWINS@ Tampa Bay Rays 11:30am Pre-Game 12:10 1st Pitch on KWOA The Fan